Author: Zag

How to Manage an Agency Across Multiple Time Zones

One many agencies are giving up brick-and-mortar office space in favor of geographical mobility is clear: it saves money. Remote teams don’t need office space, furniture, utilities, snacks, coffee machines, or water coolers. Taken together, not paying for those items can equal significant savings for an agency. Other monetary benefits arise from the fact that remote workers are far less likely to call in sick, and they can be paid only for productive time....

Eight Ways ZAG Makes Your Creative Firm More Profitable

Today, every agency wants to know how they can improve profitability. It is perhaps the most important concern that drives nearly all business decisions. From deciding which projects to prioritize to challenges around resource management, agencies’ central question seems to be: how does it affect our bottom line? Here we’ll outline eight ways the resources at ZAG will not only help to improve your agency’s bottom line, but will help sustain your agency’s growth into the future....

Collaboration Challenges agencies face and their Solutions

In today’s advertising agency landscape, collaboration is perhaps one of the most important yet under-discussed topics. Virtually every aspect of creative work, business decision, element of daily operations, and within every department—from executives to managers to designers—everything these days involves collaboration. This means that when challenges arise while collaborating, the consequences that be significant...

4 Common problems in the Review and Approval Process

The review and approval process is one of the most important parts of every creative project. It allows your clients a final opportunity to offer any critical feedback as they weigh your deliverables against the original project specification. But what exactly goes into this process? And how can your team improve it? Here we’ll look specifically at issue tracking, project management, review specification, and isolating the final approval process....

How to Fix Six of your Agency’s Most Common Issues

No ad agency is perfect. No matter how diligent a firm is, there will always challenges that present themselves at every step of your way to becoming a highly successful agency. Thankfully, there are ways to face and overcome many of these important challenges. Here we’ll look at the issues of resource management, data archiving, project management, budgets, team communication, and brand identity. By addressing each of these areas, your agency can stay ahead of the curve....

Nine ways to improve your Agency’s Productivity

Solid resource management is crucial for all businesses working today. Whether it’s maintaining adequate financial resources, creative talent, or IT infrastructure elements, a strong grasp of where a business stands with each of these elements can make or break firms across a variety of industries. Perhaps most importantly, resource management has a direct impact on a company’s profitability—it’s financial bottom line. ...

Improving Agency Profits with Real-time Resource Management

Solid resource management is crucial for all businesses working today. Whether it’s maintaining adequate financial resources, creative talent, or IT infrastructure elements, a strong grasp of where a business stands with each of these elements can make or break firms across a variety of industries. Perhaps most importantly, resource management has a direct impact on a company’s profitability—it’s financial bottom line. ...