
Application Decommissioning Steps

Six Steps Toward Better Application Decommissioning

Application decommissioning is a process that every business will at one point have to go through. Once an existing application has been outmoded by comprehensive upgrades or other important changes to the IT environment, a company will need to retire such an application. Agencies will jump into the process unprepared leaving open the possibility for all sorts of issues to arise. So, how can your business decommission applications the right way?...

Agency Framework to Evade Application Clutter

It seems that for today’s agencies there are more requirements than ever—especially in the technical department. How is it that there seems to be a separate application for virtually every task an agency does on a daily basis? Why have our agency offices become so cluttered with technologies? And how can your agency declutter this application expanse?...

Steps to choose a project management app

Five Steps Toward Choosing a Project Management App

Project management is one of, if not the most important piece of software for today’s successful ad agencies. After all, the fundamental creation of value for agencies is nothing other than each and every project created for clients. It’s therefore impossible to overestimate the importance—and, indeed, value—of choosing the right project management application. So, where is an ad agency to begin its search? ...

Self-Aware: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of ERP

Ad agencies see change everywhere, especially in the technological sphere. There is perhaps no other point in history in which technology has moved as fast as it does today. Consider how dramatically otherworldly the talking computer HAL 9000 first appeared in Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. So, how does this affect ad agencies, particularly on an everyday basis?...

Questions in a school

7 questions agencies should ask their ERP provider

The most crucial step which can decide the success or failure of your  implementation, is choosing the vendor that is right for you. In their search for vendors, many agencies are lead astray by flashy advertising or cannot find the solution they were looking for. Or when they do find the right solution, they cannot fully utilize its potential. Here is a list of essential questions that you should ask the Platform vendor to ensure that they are the chosen ones for your agency....

Discussion at an Agency

Project and Client Profitability

Client profitability is essential in tracking the value exchange between both the Client and Agency. A good report will identify information to help optimize budgets, track project processes, identify areas for opportunity and eventually improve client profitability. ZAG offers an aggregate of vital analytics solutions to help agencies in garnering insightful data, streamline the business processes and improving client profitability....

Tailored for Agencies

PIVOT – Agency Management Solution

PIVOT is an extension of NetSuite tailored to suit the needs of Full-Service and Digital Agencies along with collective set of guidance, templates and, processes that helps you run your finance, production/billing, Human Capital, Payroll, Project Management and Travel & Expense functions....

Financial Systems Building Blocks

Often the simplest and most basic things within an organization are overlooked. It is time to get back to basics. The most basic of outputs from an accounting department is the chart of accounts. The chart of accounts enhances control, flexibility and reporting capacity when used effectively. Unfortunately, many organizations become burdened with an overly detailed chart of accounts, resulting in the inability or delayed ability to perform a timely analysis of data. Or, organizations with multiple subsidiaries or locations utilize different ledger reporting structures, making it challenging to consolidate information for the parent company....