
Application Decommissioning Steps

Six Steps Toward Better Application Decommissioning

Application decommissioning is a process that every business will at one point have to go through. Once an existing application has been outmoded by comprehensive upgrades or other important changes to the IT environment, a company will need to retire such an application. Agencies will jump into the process unprepared leaving open the possibility for all sorts of issues to arise. So, how can your business decommission applications the right way?...

Agency Framework to Evade Application Clutter

It seems that for today’s agencies there are more requirements than ever—especially in the technical department. How is it that there seems to be a separate application for virtually every task an agency does on a daily basis? Why have our agency offices become so cluttered with technologies? And how can your agency declutter this application expanse?...

Steps to choose a project management app

Five Steps Toward Choosing a Project Management App

Project management is one of, if not the most important piece of software for today’s successful ad agencies. After all, the fundamental creation of value for agencies is nothing other than each and every project created for clients. It’s therefore impossible to overestimate the importance—and, indeed, value—of choosing the right project management application. So, where is an ad agency to begin its search? ...

Self-Aware: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of ERP

Ad agencies see change everywhere, especially in the technological sphere. There is perhaps no other point in history in which technology has moved as fast as it does today. Consider how dramatically otherworldly the talking computer HAL 9000 first appeared in Stanley Kubrick’s 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. So, how does this affect ad agencies, particularly on an everyday basis?...

For the Record: How Blockchain is Changing ERP

Without a doubt agencies around the world will be familiar with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. Indeed, it’s virtually unheard of in today’s fast-paced advertising industry that an agency can remain competitive without one. For today’s competitive agency, everything from Customer Resource Management (CRM) to production planning to project management to marketing and sales, materials and inventory management, to finance can (and should) be integrated in an effective ERP solution....

Five Reasons Your Marketing Campaign Planning Fails

Marketing campaigns involve a highly complex set of components working together to produce a desired outcome: a successful campaign. From designers to project managers to executives to clients, each role is important. And knowing how to plan the workflow for such a project is just as crucial. Here we’ll take a look at five common mistakes that occur during the planning of marketing campaigns and how to avoid such issues....

The Future of Agencies: What to do in Uncertain Times?

Many things are changing for the ad industry today. We’ve seen, for instance, an increased pressure for agencies to go global, to expand their reach to appeal to an even greater international audience. We’ve also witnessed the onset of the much-discussed Agility Era, Forbes’s term for the emergence of flexible, ad-hoc production as a preference over the stable Agency-Of-Record (AOR) relationships that had previously dominated the agency landscape.[1] These changes are certainly important....

How Agencies Can Go Agile in Five Simple Steps

It seems that everywhere you go, today’s agencies hear lots about Agile. Although even seasoned project managers may not be able to define just what Agile is, almost everyone agrees that it’s a working methodology that agencies should know and value. Other executives and project managers will ask: how can we change our current practices so that we can become more Agile? Here we’ll outline five important steps your agency can take to go fully Agile....